Monday, January 31, 2005


...something i wrote a few days ago...thank God the tears have stopped falling =)

Falling Tears

Little droplets
Of love and pain
Why do you trickle?
Why do you rain?

Falling tears
Why do you descend?
Why flood my cheeks?
Is this the end?

Love is lost.
No time to cry.
Please not now.
Must find out why.

Falling tears
Please, not yet.
Got a war to win,
A prize to get.

Little droplets
Of love and pain
Why do you trickle?
Why do you rain?

...I'm glad at present i'm "not home" anymore.

Back Home

The darkness and the shadows,
My home, my refuge.
I left once empowered by inspiration.
Yet I returned with my soul lost in oblivion.
I left again with my path lighted by hope.
And again I returned with wings bound by delusion`s rope.
I left once more driven by faith
And now I return with my heart on a plate.

No matter how far I go,
No matter how hard I try,
No matter how fast I run,
Always, I come back and cry.

Eternal darkness must I embrace
For in the shadows is my place.
Forever lost shall I be
Till she comes back, loving me.

...i hope you don't but if you do, here's what i`ll say

I`ll Say

You can ignore me,
You can set me aside.
Hide from me,
Make me search far and wide.

And after a tiresome search,
When I finally find you,
I`ll just say....
`I missed you.`

You can treat me like dirt,
Make every bone in me hurt.
Make me lower than low,
Douse my fire till nothing glows.

Then when you go through your trials
And find yourself alone in an isle.
I`ll stretch my broken arm and say....
`Let me help you.`

You can make me hope for naught,
And then leave me in distraught.
Make me believe in a promise,
Then leave me just before bliss.

But when you find yourself in disillusion,
Clouded by lies and thrown into confusion.
I`ll come and whisper in your ear....
`Fear not. I am here.`

You can treat me with disrespect.
Insult my being, heart, soul and intellect.
Cast me out of your life,
And clad my future with strife.

But when you`re at your lowest,
Rejected even by friends and family,
I`ll hug you tight and when you ask why I`ll say....
`I love you silly.`