Tuesday, August 23, 2005

...soap operas are bad for you.

...i've been watching too many episodes of American soap operas and now I'm haunted by the stories so much that this poem is well...soap-ish...LOL!


hE loved her.
She loved hIm.
He loved her.
She loved him.

He loves her,
She once was with him.
They stayed together.
Until fate's playful whim.

She found hIm.
hE loved her.
She loved hIm.
They stayed together.

Fate felt playful.
Played one more game.
Hurt them till they turned hateful.
Now nothing is the same.

She drowns in tears.
He fills with indignation.
hE boils with frustration.
A recipe for destruction.

With fires of passion
He calls her back.
She thinks not now, not yet.
He thinks, the stage is set.

With hunger for justice
hE calls her back.
She thinks not now, not yet.
Again, hE's heart-broken, upset.

A grand love triangle
Confused and passionate at every angle.
A bomb set to explode.
With the slightest bump on the road.

He asks her
What does hE have that i don't?
She bites her lip and says,
"A passion for loving me."

hE confronts her
What does He have that i don't?
With a heavy heart she answers
"Security, stability."

She hides her face
She doesnt want them to see.
What hE really has
Is her heart & soul entirely.

Or does hE?

Monday, August 22, 2005

If you know better, BE better.

...to a friend who knew better, rest in peace.
...and to those who need a reminder, please be reminded and learn from his mistake.

Live For Tonight (‘Coz Tomorrow Never Comes)
(A tribute to a friend who knew better)

Begin the night
Head for the light.
Walk through the door
And raise 'em up high.
Conquer the floor
Glide and fly!

The night is young
So blast that song.
Go pump it up
Light that stick.
Sing to the top
And puff the nic!

Night hits its peak
G'nyt to the weak.
Keep moving to the groove
Time for shots and booze.
Go waste the noob
You puke you loose!

The ungodly hours
Time to boost pow'rs.
Take out the pipes
Pour out the powder.
Bring it to a new hype
Hit it and holler!

Dawn beckons
Sing the last song.
Last puffs, last shots.
Last taste of the rocks.
Drive home, see spots
Lights by the train tracks!

Oh fuck.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Sometimes I just get tired

...sometimes i just get tired and stop... oh, and this is NOT for someone but for something, a principle maybe, or an idea, or an effort.....

I Live

I live.
I laugh.
I love.

I live.
I sway.
I feel.

I live.
I cry.
I try.

I live.
I shy.
I quit.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

My Piece of Peace

...tis funny what thoughts come to your mind when you stare out the window. the last time i stared i realized my piece of peace

My Piece of Peace

Absence of tension?
Freedom from pain?
Maybe the sunset on the horizon
Or simply getting out of the rain.

What is my piece of peace?
Where do I find it?
When do I indulge in it?
I know, I know when it comes by.
I know where it lies.

Its not the sunrise nor the sunset.
Nor the beauty of any sonnet.
It’s not in the absence of worries.
But I might find it in one lady’s kiss.

It’s not the relief of getting off work.
Neither the quiet of the library.
It’s not the song of the nightingale.
Nor the words of my favorite story.

My piece of peace is a marvel to behold.
With a smile that beams like the sun
A heart more precious than gold

My piece of peace lies where you are.
My piece of peace is in what you do.
Sharing life through stories till dark,
Exchanging laughs and sighs, even frustrations too.

I find it when I look at you
I find it when I hear your voice
I find it when I feel your presence
I feel it as I share your joys.

When you read in a corner,
When you study at a distance.
When you lie asleep by my side,
When we go out for a ride.

When I confide in you,
When you confide in me.
When we run errands for family,
Even when we act silly.

That’s where I find my smile.
That’s where I find my true self.
That’s where I am at ease.
That’s where I find my piece of peace.