Tuesday, October 05, 2004

From the Den Archives - February 2001

Originally published in
LAVOXA Footprints
Literary Folio
Vol V No. 1


Nessie has always been one of the few persons I fully trusted and looked up to. She was at first, just an ordinary friend, a fellow staffer who became my bestfriend..and then more. With all the times I've spent with her I have learned to observe her simple ways and pinpoint the littlelest and simplest but oh-so-cute things she loves to do, think or say. Let me give you my top ten, all-time favorites.

1. She has that kind of killer smile which not only takes your breath away but also drives you crazy..crazy thinking about what the heck is gong on in her head! Almost always would you find her brandishing that signature smile. However, the reason why she smiles is something else. You can try choosing from a myriad of possibilities. Yes, she smiles that much.

2. She could be a real sweet-talker, a hyperactive yakker, or one of the silent leave-me-in-my-corner types. She could talk herself into and out of almost anything. With her gift of tongue she could get almost anything she wishes, (talk about abusing powers.) When her lips move she could kill you with her machinegun fast talking, (and I am her favorite victim), or she may choose to shut them and deafen you with a booming silence. (Unfortunately, I seldom experience this.)

3. Superior intellect, killer looks, awe inspiring character and don't forget the fats! (Now I am dead!) Name it, she has got it. From wits way above average to looks that kill (literally and figuratively..ok now I am really digging my grave.)From being a prankster, mischievous she-devil to becoming a child-inspiring angel, that is all her. Truly quite hard to believe such exists. But seeing is believing. I saw. I believed.

4. She has that really cute way of promouncing words which require one to emphasize on the "esssss"..ermmm..i meant "s" *chuckle*. She usually gets her tongue stuck somewhere in her mouth but I find it cute that way.

5. Green, green, gren!If it is green, it is sure to get her attention. Whether its a notebook or a slimy frog she will grab it. (It happens on impulse.) Sometimes she will even ask for it..(luckily I have no green underwear..if only you knew how she grabs green things..ouch!)

6. Her perfume..errr..cologne, (she always corrects me on that note.), is her trademark, territorry and where-I-have-been marker. Once you have locked on to her scent, foloow it. Soon enough you would bump into her.

7. This lady loves to sing! And she sings often..too darn often. But it is not the singing that i find cute, it is that unique "touch" she puts into her singing. That sssshivvverrring note. (Beware: Shivering notes may hypnotize.)

8. Her lips twisted into a pout, teary or sharp eyes and downward sloped eyebrows would make kids think of the monsters in their nightmares. But tht is just my Nessie in a bad mood. Yes. I find this cute. (Word of caution: If such behavior and physical appearance is observed in the species vanessious villenous, please keep a safe distance of at least two light years.)

9. Powder time. Needed: a hankerchief, baby powder (preferrably by Johnson's) and the Publications Office mirror.

Step 1: Apply a VERY generous amount of baby powder on the hankerchief.

Step 2: Spread the powder all over the face until she looks like a Kabuki actor.

Step 3: Wipe even the powder on the face and wipe out the excess with the other side of the hankerchief.

Step 4: Take one last glance at the mirror, then ask Rey if she looks ok. And kill him if he laughs.

She does this every now and then and I personally find it such a waste of powder, and quite a daily dose of horror. Still i find it cute.

10. One more thing I find cute about her is the way she reacts whenever I call her pet names, specially "Nessie." She would first give you that adorable little pout, then a tickle or two which means, "You are getting on my nerves hot shot." Then maybe a slap or a nudge. Though it doesn't change a thing, I still love calling her Nessie.


***to those who have requested to view a picture of Nessie, well, here's what she looks like. I used her picture in one of my early Photoshop Artworks. Click on the image to view the bigger version.

The City of the Goddess